In Persian mythology, there is a bird called the Butimar, whose story is both captivating and bittersweet...
The Butimar lived by the sea, its heart filled with love for the endless waves and their rhythmic song. The sea was its greatest joy—a source of awe, beauty, and inspiration.
But this love came with a shadow. As much as the Butimar adored the sea, it was gripped by an overwhelming fear: what if the sea ran dry? What if its touch, its thirst, could somehow diminish the vastness of its beloved?
And so, day after day, the Butimar perched by the shore, gazing longingly at the waters but refusing to drink. Surrounded by abundance, it held back, paralyzed by its own fear.
In the end, the bird’s love for the sea could not sustain it. It perished from thirst, falling into the very waters it had loved so deeply but never trusted. The sea, eternal and unchanging, carried the Butimar’s lifeless form into its depths—a silent mourning for a love unfulfilled.
The Butimar’s Lesson for Us All
This story is more than an ancient myth—it’s a reflection of the human experience. How often do we find ourselves standing at the edge of abundance, too afraid to fully embrace it?
We love deeply, yet we fear loss. We dream boldly, yet we hesitate to act. The Butimar’s story serves as a cautionary tale: when we let fear overshadow love, we risk losing the very thing we hold most dear.
Do You See Yourself in the Butimar Bird?
What is your sea?
Is there something in your life that you adore but hold back from fully embracing?
Perhaps it’s a relationship you’re afraid to trust, a dream you’re too scared to pursue, or even self-love that feels just out of reach. We all have moments when fear whispers, “What if you lose it?” But in holding back, we miss the chance to truly live and love.
A Call to Embrace Abundance
The Butimar’s story is a reminder to let go of fear and trust in life’s abundance. The sea is vast, just as life is full of infinite possibilities. Love, joy, and fulfillment are not meant to be rationed or hoarded—they’re meant to be embraced with open arms.
So, drink from your sea.
Dive into what you love with your whole heart.
The waves will hold you, just as they hold the Butimar.
Living a Wonderfilled Life
The legend of the Butimar resonates deeply with the essence of living a wonder-filled life. It reminds us to look beyond our fears and embrace the beauty, love, and abundance that surround us.
As you go through your day, ask yourself: What can I fully embrace today without hesitation? Where can I trust life’s vastness and abundance?
Let the Butimar’s story be your guide, not a tragedy to emulate, but a lesson to live boldly and love fully.
Life is vast, like the sea—don’t be afraid to dive in.